The University of Strathclyde and the University of Glasgow are proud to jointly offer the Mac Robertson Scholarship.
- to provide funding for postgraduate research students (PhD or Masters by Research) to undertake a course of study lasting between two months and one year at a centre of advanced study preferably, although not necessarily, outwith Scotland;
- to provide funding which will enrich and further the award-holder's academic experience and research achievements;
- to provide funding to students fully registered and fully participating in the community of the University of Glasgow or University of Strathclyde.
The Mac Robertson Scholarship does not fund
- conference travel
- tuition fees or routine living expenses (other than those incurred on placement);
- equipment purchases;
- research or training integral to the completion of the applicant’s ongoing research project.
Eligibility: open to all Home/EU/Overseas postgraduate research students (PhD or Masters by Research)currently registered at the Universities of Glasgow and/or Strathclyde;
Deadline for applications: 4pm Monday 12 May 2014.