The Kempe Foundation ”Kempestiftelserna” in Sweden offers postdoctoral scholarships for researchers to come to IIASA from the following three northernmost Swedish universities:
- Luleå University of Technology
- Umeå University
- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Umeå
The scholarship aims to support researchers conducting research on topics closely related to IIASA's research agenda. Scholars can spend up to two years at IIASA. Administrative, computer and library support as well as other research-related resources are provided by IIASA.
The long-term goal of the visit is that the incumbent should create a personal international network that will foster cooperation between IIASA and the home institution after end of stay.
Those interested in using this opportunity to work in an international and interdisciplinary environment should acknowledge the following:
- Applicants research interests should fit with existing research projects at IIASA.
- A current CV and description (max. five pages) of current research interests and how the outcome of the stay to IIASA is envisaged.
- The application should contain an indication of the duration of the stay and which program the applicant is interested in working with.
- The applicant should be employed by Luleå University of Technology, Umeå University or the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Umeå.
- Each scholar is required to provide credible deliverables at the end of the stay.
- The scholarship is a Post Doc. (PhD students are encouraged to consider IIASA’s summer school program)
- The deadline for applications for 2014 is March 31 (with the expectation to start at IIASA late summer/early fall 2014).
The 350,000 SEK scholarship is paid directly to the individual.
How to Apply
Please send your applications and direct inquiries to:
Professor Robert Lundmark
Luleå University of Technology
Economics Unit
The Kempe Foundations
SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden
Professor Robert Lundmark
Luleå University of Technology
Economics Unit
The Kempe Foundations
SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden
For more information and application please the Kempe Foundation Postdoc Funding page.