Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Professor Robin Baker Scholarship at Ravensbourne University in 2018/19

The Professor Robin Baker scholarship is a merit-based award which is open to applicants to Ravensbourne’s postgraduate programmes.

Professor Robin Baker was director of Ravensbourne from 1994 to 2015. In that time, he developed Ravensbourne’s pioneering strategic emphasis on the creative use of digital technology. Professor Baker‘s vision led to our relocation to our current building and transformation of Ravensbourne into the cutting edge and innovative specialist higher education institution we are today.
The purpose of the Professor Robin Baker scholarship is to:
  • Encourage national and international applicants for Ravensbourne’s postgraduate courses with the greatest academic potential and creative talent.
  • Encourage excellent postgraduate work which demonstrates innovation and creativity in the use of technology.
  • To provide access to Ravensbourne’s innovative postgraduate courses to those who might otherwise find it financially challenging. 
Normally, Ravensbourne will award either one full fee scholarship or two part-time/half full time fee scholarships annually, depending on the range and calibre of applicants.

To be considered for the scholarship an applicant must be:
  • a Home, EU or EEA applicant who has applied for a place and been accepted on a full-time or part-time postgraduate course at Ravensbourne between the 1 October and 1 June immediately prior to entry.
  • a Tier 4 (no EU/EEA) international applicant who has applied for a place and been accepted on a full-time postgraduate course at Ravensbourne between the 1 October and 1 June immediately prior to entry.
Applicants should have confirmed acceptance of their place on the course in advance of applying for the scholarship or provide clear evidence of their intent to do so.

How to apply
Eligible candidates seeking consideration for the scholarship must submit an application via our Dropbox account at http://bit.ly/2AeH2wt by Monday 30 April 2018
The application should take the form of a personal statement of no more than 300 words together with any additional evidence they may wish to supply (e.g. CVs, images, videos, hyperlinks, examples of creative work or academic references).
This statement should supplement rather than replicate the personal statement submitted during the application process for the course.

It should set out:
  • Further detail about the nature of the anticipated research during the course and its creativity, originality and innovativeness in terms of the application of technology.
  • Further detail about how the applicant will benefit from the course and the additional support the applicant would gain from scholarship.
  • Any additional information that the applicant believes would assist the selection panel in evaluating their application.
Applications for the scholarship will be evaluated and ranked by a selection panel consisting of:
  • Head of Student Services (Chair)
  • Two members of the postgraduate academic staff
  • Head of International Development
Ranking will be on the basis of the evidence provided by the applicants’:
  • Previous and current academic or professional performance and future potential.
  • Creativity and innovation in the application of technology.
  • Benefit to be derived from the course and Scholarship.
Award of scholarship

The successful applicant will be informed on 18 May 2018.

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