AMADE University of Girona offers Master of Science in Mechanics of Materials and Structures (MMS) Scholarship for International Students, Spain.
he Master of Science in Mechanics of Materials and Structures (MMS) is aimed at students who wish to develop their knowledge and skills in the field of the mechanical behaviour of materials and structures. The objective of this MSc is to link the current knowledge of theories of the behaviour of materials with the most innovative techniques in structural engineering. The research group AMADE, organizer of the MMS Master, provides funding opportunities to excellent students. Both “Bursaries” and “Scholarships” are open to all applicants (home, EU or international). Master fees + 640 Euros/month from October to July. Addressed to students with outstanding undergraduate grades highly motivated to perform a Ph.D. after the MMS Master. During the master, the awarded students will be enrolled in a running research project as a preliminary step to the development of the Ph.D., under the supervision of one member of the staff. The master final project will deal with the activity of the student in that project.