Wednesday, August 15, 2018

IUSS Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology PhD Fellowships for International Applicants in Italy, 2017

The Institute for Advanced Study and the University of Pavia organize a PhD program that is open to students of any nationality. The program will include lectures on topics that are relevant for the developed research projects.

The PhD program prepares highly skilled and brilliant researchers, open to work with an interdisciplinary approach to scientific problems. 

Strong research programs are available in the areas of Protein, Science, Cellular Biochemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Molecular Microbiology and Molecular Neuropathology.
For the academic year 2017-20189 positions of which:
6 with scholarship;
- 1 dedicated to the Oxytrain EU-2020 project;
- 2 dedicated to Philochem employees.

The five fellowships are available to be used in one of the following laboratories:
Structural biology
Bioinorganic chemistry

Enzymology and biogenesis of drugs
Pharmaceutical analytical chemistry
Molecular pathology of extracellular matrices
Platelet biochemistry
Microbial pathogens

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